Custom Timeline Slider With Jquery

Timeline Slider Jquery

Create custome timeline slider with jquery, also containes year slider click and slide through the time lines.

Evolution of Royal Enfield

Royal Enfield is an Indian multinational motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Royal Enfield Quadricycle

Royal Enfield is an Indian multinational motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The company claims to be “the oldest global motorcycle brand in continuous production and operates manufacturing plants in Chennai in India.


Royal Enfield Quadricycle

Royal Enfield is an Indian multinational motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The company claims to be “the oldest global motorcycle brand in continuous production and operates manufacturing plants in Chennai in India.


Royal Enfield Quadricycle

Royal Enfield is an Indian multinational motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The company claims to be “the oldest global motorcycle brand in continuous production and operates manufacturing plants in Chennai in India.


Royal Enfield Quadricycle

Royal Enfield is an Indian multinational motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The company claims to be “the oldest global motorcycle brand in continuous production and operates manufacturing plants in Chennai in India.


Royal Enfield Quadricycle

Royal Enfield is an Indian multinational motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The company claims to be “the oldest global motorcycle brand in continuous production and operates manufacturing plants in Chennai in India.


Royal Enfield Quadricycle

Royal Enfield is an Indian multinational motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The company claims to be “the oldest global motorcycle brand in continuous production and operates manufacturing plants in Chennai in India.


Royal Enfield Quadricycle

Royal Enfield is an Indian multinational motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The company claims to be “the oldest global motorcycle brand in continuous production and operates manufacturing plants in Chennai in India.




    Further reading

    • React UseEffect | simplifyScript

      Understanding the useEffect hook in React

      In this article, we will learn about another React hook called useEffect(), through this article you will be able to understand what is react useEffect Hook and how to use useEffect() hook in react, this is most communally used hook after useState() hook, we mostly use this hook in every component on react now first […]
    • React useState function

      How to Use useState Hook in React Application

       In a React application, normal vanilla JavaScript may not work for some concepts. For example, if I want to toggle a class on a button click or add and remove classes, I might need to show a popup on the website. This can be easily achieved in vanilla JavaScript using the element.classList.toggle(“newClass”) method, allowing us to add […]
    • javascript DOm manipulation - simplifyscript

      What is DOM manipulation in javascript 

      In this article, we will explore JavaScript DOM manipulation, a key feature of JavaScript that allows developers to modify the Document Object Model (DOM) of a webpage. DOM manipulation enables you to dynamically alter the content and structure of HTML documents. To grasp this concept thoroughly, we’ll start by defining what the DOM is and […]