Custom Dropdown With Javascript and CSS Only


Now a days The ui experts dont want the old ui of select dropdown which is by default feature of html, they provide us a ui with attractive dropdown select box to impliment, so in this tutorials we will learn javascript custom select dropdown , some time we need custom dropdown menu in header as well its a pure Developing custom dropdowns with vanilla JS & CSS , after this tutorials iam sure you will be able to impliment Custom dropdown box using javascript and css

In this tutorial I will share how we can built custom Javascript Select Dropdown with CSS and Javascript.

Mainly we are try to impliment the old default select option method to custom javascript select dropdow for this we hace a select tag which is the default method make selct dropdown it will also work when we run this in browser, bt with the trend of new ui and themes we must need to customize and make it smooth to achive that custom select drop down we will create a new ul li list of dropdown which contains all the below data and it will be easly styleable through css also we will impliment the top span element to store the infomation of currently selected dropdown when user clicks on any of the li items, once user click on li then we will highlight that and mark as selected then pust that selected value as an value of selected box.

So lets Learn how to create drop down menu in javascript , custom dropdown box html, custom dropdown in html css 

We will provide you seprate custom dropdown js so you can manupulate the css also

Please check the below demo and if you feel it suits your requirment then please download the code attached below.

the css you can costomize with your own according to you website theme


Selected Dropdown is :


You can also go through below code and validate step by step




Further reading

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