How To Iterate Items List In Velocity Script

velocity foreach loop

Velocity scripting is most common used language, that is used in some tools like adobe target emailers tool, so we need to apply som oprations in velocity scriptiing to show the item in frontend and the most common method is the itrations of list in velocity script

Lets suppose a senario where we need to display 6 items coming from beckend with the help of velocity scripting, so the method is as smilear to the what we do in most of the language to ittrate them in the loop and inside the loop we can also apply the htm tage to display on fronend nicely, you can try the below code to itrate them in a loop

In the above code we have ittrated data in some slider where we delared a variable #set($count=1) which is a counter starts from 1 , after then we are calling a #foreach($e in $entities) method to itrate between the entities, it will itrate until #if( $count <= $entities.size() && $count <=4 && $ !=”” ) count is smaller then equal to 4

and through $e we can call the objects and there values to render on frontend.

Further reading

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